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Acrylics &
Oil Paintings by Elsbeth
Buschmann |
The painting depicts the allegory of an initiation.
The term ‘Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “jug” which
means union and the word “religion” derives from the latin
word ‘religare’: to re-unite.
By descending from its abode of pure spirit and traversing
planes of lower frequenzies soul takes on covers before it
incarnates into a human body which consists of mind and
A competent Master Saint who is one with “Naam” / “Shabd”, the
sacred sound current, reunites soul, the true Self, with this
power of God, the creator of all life , and enables it to
start the journey back to its origin.
This initiation is called ‘Second Birth’ in Indian scriptures
and in the bible: “That which is born of the flesh (physical
birth) is flesh but that which is born of the spirit is
The painting shows a lotus symbolizing the Master Saint and
his essence. Soul is connected and starts to radiate. |
Our true Self, Jiva-Atma,
is part of Param-Atman who permeates and sustains all. He
radiates and resounds in all creation. - Those people who are
fully conscious of their divine origin and have become one
with it are Self-realized ( symbolically depicted by a white
lotus flower). The darker lotus stands for those who are on
the way towards God-realization. |
The real “heart of
man” is our true Self or Soul with its holy life-giving force
of Naam. Man is not the body but in essence a spiritual entity
which, like oversoul, is unchangeable permanence. Without soul
the body is lifeless matter.: “Dust thow are and to dust thow
returneth. ” (Bible)
Soul is part of the physical, astral, causal and supercausal
bodies. On its way back it traverses the corresponding
dimensions in order to reach the purely spiritual realm from
where it originates. |
Crystals have very fine positive energy currents.
They also attract positive vibrations from outer space. |
“When your (inner) eye is single, your body shall be full of
light.” (Jesus Christ) Meditation acts like a sword: the
vritis of mind are severed so that the positive treasures of
the subconscious mind reveal themselves and the light of soul
emerges. |
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Chamunda road Sidhbari
H.P.India |
Mobile 098160-43708 |
E- Mail prbali@yahoo.com |
The spiral, here portrayed as a shell, is a symbol for the development
of higher consciousness. The sphere has no beginning and no end. It stands for eternity,
unchangeable permanence, the highest frequency – God. The
soul-currents are His reflections striving to become one with Him. |
We are bound to our traditions, family duties, financial worries etc.
We think we are the doers and overlook that there is only one doer:
our Creator. When we are connected with Him and worship Him by going
inside in meditation, the outer world becomes less and less important
to us. We still do our duties but like the lotus flower, who rises
above the muddy water without being soiled by it, we live in the world
without being affected by it.
A state of mind which takes you to a realm of harmony, peace and unity
where you feel the love of the creator. |
“ When the senses are calm,
The intellect is silenced
And the mind is at peace –
Then Soul is awakened
And then we can worship God.”
(Lord Krishna, Bhagavadgita) |
A female deity who stands for love, protection, beauty and
The flowers underline her purity in thought and action. |
Every intense suffering is a test of our inner spiritual strength. We
experience our limitations
which makes us humble. Only then we remember God and realize that He
is the doer and that only he can help us to relieve us from the
burning pain, so that we arise from this experience stronger and wiser
than before. |
Universal Love is selfless love. It embraces all creation and every
human being without discriminating. We should try to transform our
worldly love with its desires and attachments into this pure love
which only wants to give and serve. We then live a life of inner peace
and contentment. - Love is the manifestation of the creator himself. |